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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Stronghold 2 System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-03-29 21:34:53 Views : 14487 Potty Humor Enter your lords name as "Flying Poo" (without quotes); and when you start the game, instead of the regular greeting, it will say "Greetings...FLYING POOOOO!!!" Starwars Easter Egg Enter your lords name as "Lord Vader" (without quotes); and when you start the game, instead of the regular greeting, it will say "Greetings Lord Vader; Obi Won has taught you well, but you are not a jedi yet. Lord Seth Easter Egg Enter "Lord Seth" as your lord's name, and you will hear Greetings Lord Seth at the into screen. Change greeting voice Enter your lords name as "Megalord" (without quotes); and when you start the game, instead of the regular greeting, it will say "greetings Megalord" Lord Yoshi Enter your lords name as "Yoshi" (without quotes); and when you start the game, instead of the regular greeting, it will say "greetings Lord Yoshi" Smart Aleck Greeting Enter your lords name as "Fertile01" (without quotes); and when you start the game, instead of the regular greeting, it will say "Greetings Fertile01, or whatever the hell your name is!" Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Stronghold 2 cheat codes.
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